Scientific Work

*INNOVATION PLUS (2023-2024). Principal researcher within the project Tempolimit, Wärmepumpe, Elektroauto — Nachhaltigkeit mathematisch modellieren (in cooperation with Dr. R. Göller, Prof. Dr. K. Padberg-Gehle; external cooperation with Dr. M. Hagena). Funded by the Niedersächsische Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur as part of the project INNOVATION PLUS within the Hochschulpakt 2020.

*LERN-IF (2021-2025). Principal researcher within the research project LERN_IF: Lernprozessbegleitende Diagnostik und lernförderliche Leistungsrückmeldung im inklusiven Fachunterricht [Diagnostics to accompany the learning process and feedback to promote learning in inclusive subject instruction] (in cooperation with Prof. Dr. T. Ehmke, Prof. Dr. D. Leiss, Prof. Dr. P. Kuhl). Funded by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung within the funding measure Förderbezogene Diagnostik in der inkluisven Bildung (InkBi 2) as part of the program Empirische Bildungsforschung.

MATRIX (2023-2026). Scientific member of the advisory board of the research and development project MATRIX: Math Trails with an Inclusive Perspective on Students Experiences. Funded by Erasmus+. Project coordination: Prof. Dr. M. Ludwig.

STULPE (2020-2027). Principal researcher within the research project STULPE: Studienplatzvergabe an der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg [Allocation of study places at the Leuphana University of Lueneburg] in cooperation with Prof. Dr. T. Ehmke, Prof. Dr. P. Kuhl, Prof. Dr. D. Leiss). Funded by the Leuphana University of Lueneburg as part of the selection procedure for applicants for a study place.

COACTIV. Research assistant within the research project COACTIV: Professional competence of teachers, cognitively activating instruction, and development of students’ mathematical literacy (Prof. Dr Dr h. c. J. Baumert, Prof. Dr W. Blum, Prof. Dr J. Neubrand).

COACTIV-R. Research assistant within the research project COACTIV-R: A study on teacher candidates’ acquisition of professional competence during teaching practice (Prof. Dr Dr h. c. Jürgen Baumert, Prof. Dr Yvonne Anders, Prof. Dr M. Kunter).

Co²CA. Research assistant within the research project Co²CA: Conditions and consequences of classrooom assessment (Prof. Dr E. Klieme, Dr K. Rakoczy, Prof. Dr W. Blum, Prof. Dr D. Leiss).

DISUM. Research assistant within the research project DISUM: Didaktische Interventionsformen für einen selbständigkeitsorientierten aufgabengesteuerten Unterricht am Beispiel Mathematik (Prof. Dr W. Blum, Prof. Dr R. Messner, Prof. Dr R. Pekrun).

*CODIP (2020-2023). Principal researcher within the research project CODIP: Competences for Digital-Enhanced Individualized Practice (CODIP) (in cooperation with Prof. Dr. M. Ahlers, Prof. Dr. P. Kuhl, Prof. Dr. D. Lehr, Prof. Dr. A. Neumann, Prof. Dr. T. Schmidt, Prof. Dr. J. Süßenbach). Funded by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung as part of the project Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung.

*DIAKOM (2017-2020). Principal researcher within the research project Fachdidaktisches Wissen für die Diagnose von Schülerdenken und Schülerfehlern beim mathematischen Modellieren. Entwicklung und Validieren eines Paper-Pencil-Tests (in cooperation with Prof. Dr. M. Wirtz). Funded by the Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg as part of the Forschungs- und Nachwuchskollegs DIAKOM: Diagnostische Kompetenz von Lehrkräften: Einflüsse, Struktur, Förderung. (Spokesman: Prof. Dr. T. Leuders, Prof. Dr. T. Dörfler).

*I-BALL (2016-2019). Principal researcher within the research project Lehreinheiten Basiskompetenzen Inklusion in den Fachdidaktiken (in cooperation with Prof. Dr. S. Abels, Prof. Dr. D. Leiss, Prof. Dr. T. Schmidt, Prof. Dr. J. Süßenbach). Funded by the Niedersächsische Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur as part of the project I-BALL: Inkludierende Basiskompetenzen als Querschnittsaufgabe der Lehrerbildung fördern (in cooperation with Prof. Dr. A. Neumann).

*INNOVATION PLUS (2019-2020). Principal researcher within the project Realitätsbezüge im Mathematikunterricht. Funded by the Niedersächsische Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur as part of the project INNOVATION PLUS within the Hochschulpakt 2020.

*LERNRAUM MATHEMATIK (2018-2019). Principal researcher within the research project Lernraum Mathematik (in cooperation with Prof. Dr. K. Padberg-Gehle, D. F. Weiher). Funded by the Bundesministerium für Bildung unf Forschung as part of the project Leuphana… auf dem Weg! of the Leuphana University of Lueneburg.

LEVEL. Research assistant within the research project LEVEL: Lernentwicklungsverläufe im Lehramtsstudium (Prof. Dr. T. Ehmke, Prof. Dr. D. Leiss).

MathKT. Research assistant within the research project MathKT: Revision des Verfahrens mathematischer Kenntniss- und Wissenstests. Funded by the Bundesministerium der Verteidigung (Prof. Dr A. Frey, Prof. Dr D. Leiss).

MUS. Research assistant within the research project MUS: Mathematik und Sprache (Prof. Dr H. Linneweber-Lammerskitten, Prof. Dr D. Leiss).

*PROKOM (2017-2018). Principal researcher within the research project Professionelle Kompetenzen angehender Mathematik-Lehrkräfte in der universitären Lehrerausbildung empirisch erfassen und beschreiben (in cooperation with Prof. Dr. T. Ehmke). Funded by the Research Service of the Leuphana University of Lueneburg.

RAS. Research assistant within the research project RAS: Recruiting, Assessment, Support (Prof. Dr. M. Prenzel, Prof. Dr. K. Reiss). Funded by the Deutsche Telekom Stiftung as part of the project “MINT-Lehrerbildung II”.

VELM-8. Research assistant within the research project VELM-8: Verbesserung der Effektivität der Lernstandserhebungen Mathematik. (Prof. Dr W. Blum).

*ZZL-Netzwerk (2019-2023). Principal researcher within the research project Theorie-Praxis-Verzahnung im ZZL-Netzwerk (in cooperation with Prof. Dr. T. Ehmke, Prof. Dr. M. Kleinknecht, Prof. Dr. D. Leiss, Prof. Dr. T. Schmidt, Prof. Dr. J. Süßenbach, Prof. Dr. S. Weinhold). Funded by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung as part of the project Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung.

BISTA (2009-2013). Research assistant for developing, reviewing and piloting mathematical tasks testing students within the context of evaluating national standards in mathematics in Germany.

COMBASTImath (2014-2015). Research assistant for developing mathematical tasks testing students within the context of evaluating national standards in mathematics in Switzerland.

DMV, GDM, MNU (2022-today). Scientific member of the “Mathematics-Commission Transition School-University” of DMV, GDM and MNU.

NEPS (2012). Review of mathematical test items within the research project NEPS: Nationales Bildungspanel.

NKM (2021). Scientific support of the development process for the creation of “exemplary learning tasks” in the context of the illustration of educational objectives of the core curricula for the secondary levels of the Ministry of Education of Lower Saxony.

PISA 2012 (2009-2012). Research assistant for developing, reviewing and piloting mathematical tasks testing students within the context of the Program for International Student Assessment: Member of the PISA 2012 Mathematics Test Developer Group.

PISA 2021 (2018-21). Review of the “Mathematics Framework” within the context of the Program for International Student Assessment: Member of the PISA 2021 Extended Mathematics Expert Group. Developed framework:

UNESCO (2023-2024). UNESCO ESD actor as part of the scientific activities in the project Tempolimit, Wärmepumpe, Elektroauto — Nachhaltigkeit mathematisch modellieren of the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture.

WR (2021-2023). Scientific member of the working group “Evaluation of teacher training in mathematics” of the Tertiary Education Section of the German Council of Science and Humanities. Developed recommendation:

FACE (2015-2016). Member of the Freiburg Advanced Center of Education at the University of Freiburg and the University of Education Freiburg.

ZELL (2012-2013). Member of the Centre for Empirical Research on Teaching and Learning at the University of Kassel.

ZZL (2013-today). Member (since 2013) of member of the board (since 2021) of the Zukunftszentrum Lehrkräftebildung at the Leuphana University of Lueneburg.

DIGITAL (2022). Organiser of the workshop “Digital teaching and learning in subject-specific education: current developments, objects and processes” for teacher training universities in Lower Saxony (with participating universities from Braunschweig, Hanover, Lüneburg and Vechta) as part of the “Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung”, funded by the BMBF (together with Prof. Dr. M. Ahlers, Prof. Dr. P. Kuhl, Dr. C. Herzog).

DIK (2018). Organiser of the lecture series The Inclusive Classroom at the Leuphana University of Lueneburg as part of the project I-Ball. Presenting researchers (inter alia): Prof. Rolf Werning, Prof. Ingrid Gogolin, Prof. Susanne Prediger.

DMV, GDM, MNU (2025). Organiser of the conference Studierfähigkeit entwickeln – Was können Schule, Hochschule und Politik im Bereich Mathematik dazu beitragen? [Developing the ability to study – What can schools, universities and politics contribute in the field of mathematics] as a member of the joint mathematics commission ‘Transition from school to university’ of DMV, GDM and MNU in Hanover (2025).

ETE II (2016). Member of the board of “Early Career Researchers’ Day” as part of the 2nd Conference on International Approaches to Scaling-Up Professional Development in Maths and Science Education (Educating the Educators) in Freiburg.

GDM (2019-2022). Member of the programme committee of the GDM-Tagungen (Gesellschaft fuer Didaktik der Mathematik) in Wuerzburg, Lueneburg and Frankfurt/ Main.

GFD (2017). Member of the board of the GFD-Tagung (Gesellschaft für Fachdidaktik) in Freiburg.

NDH (2024). Host of the symposium Sustainable Thinking and Acting as an Educational Goal of Schools at Leuphana University ofLueneburg as part of the research and development project INNOVATION PLUS (2023-2024). Presenting participants and researchers (inter alia): Prof. Dr. D. Fischer, Helene Reiner, Dr. Sara Wolf.

ZMFP (2019-today). Member of the scientific advisory board of the Zeitschrift für Mathematikdidaktik in Forschung und Praxis.

* Principal Researcher