
Altenburger, L., & Besser, M. (2023). Knowledge of result versus elaborated feedback: Students’ perception of feedback on a digital learning platform. Poster presentation at the AERA Conference in Chicago (USA).

Göller, R., Jenßen, L., Eilerts, K., & Besser, M. (2023). Effects of epistemic emotions on pre-service teachers’ MCK and MPCK. Poster presentation at the EARLI Conference in Thessaloniki (Greece).

Renftel, K., Töllner, F., Besser, M., & Kuhl, P. (2023). The implementation of formative assessment in inclusive mathematics instruction. Poster presentation at the EARLI Conference in Thessaloniki (Greece).

Altenburger, L., & Besser, M. (2022). Potentiale digitaler Lernplattformen im Mathematikunterricht hinsichtlich der Förderung prozeduralen und konzeptuellen Bruchwissens: Ein möglicher Zugang zur fachdidaktischen Analyse am konkreten Beispiel. [Potentials of digital learning platforms in mathematics education with regard to the promotion of procedural and conceptual fractional knowledge: A possible approach to subject didactic analysis using a concrete example.] Poster presentation at the workshop Digital teaching and learning in subject-specific education: current developments, objects and processes for teacher training universities in Lower Saxony as part of the „Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung“.

Altenburger, L., & Besser, M. (2021). Feedback im Kontext digitaler Medien – Über die Wirksamkeit einer mathematikbezogenen Lehr-Lern-Plattform sowie dessen Nutzung und Wahrnehmung. [Feedback in the context of digital media – On the effectiveness of a mathematics-related teaching-learning platform and its use and perception.] Poster presentation at the BMBF-Programmworkshop „Lehrkräftebildung nach dem pandemiebedingten Digital Turn“ as part of the „Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung“ in Frankfurt.

Poschkamp, A.-K., & Besser, M. (2020). Verstehen durch Erklären: Videos zur Unterstützung mathematischer Lernprozesse. [Understanding through explanation: Videos to support mathematical learning processes.] Poster presentation at the GDM-Onlinetagung 2020 in Würzburg.

Troll, B., Pietsch, M., & Besser, M. (2019). A study on the stability of attention in primary education. Results of a multi-perspective video analysis. Poster presentation at the EARLI Conference in Aachen (Germany).

Greve, S., Süßenbach, J., Troll, B., Besser, M., & Abels, S. (2018). Preparing pre-service teachers for inclusive education: Analyzing the status quo and comparing the effect of different types of subject-specific learning opportunities at university on beliefs, self-efficacy and pedagogical content knowledge. Poster presentation at the AIESEP World Congress 2018 in Edinburgh (Scotland).

Straub, R., Blume, C., & Besser, M. (2018). Transdisziplinäre Entwicklungsteams im ZZL-Netzwerk. [Transdisciplinary teams in the ZZL network.] Poster presentation at the Programmworkshop Praxisorientierung im Lehramtsstudium – Innovationen und Befunde in der Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung in Berlin.

Ostermann, A., Besser, M., & Leuders, T. (2017). Coherence in mathematics teacher education. Poster presentation at the 17th Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction in Tampere (Finland).

Peperkorn, M., Troll, B., Besser, M., & Schmidt, T. (2017). Videobasierte Lerngelegenheiten zum Umgang mit Heterogenität und Inklusion. [Video-based learning opportunities on dealing with heterogenity and inclusion.] Poster presentation at the Tagung Inklusion und Heterogenität als Thema der LehrerInnenbildung: Theorien, Konzepte, Methoden in Heidelberg.

Pinger, P., Rakoczy, K., Besser, M., & Klieme, E. (2015). Implementation von Formativen Assessment – Wirkung der Darstellung von Assessment und Feedback im Unterricht auf Leistung und Interesse. [Implementation of formative assessment – The effect of the presentation of assessment and feedback on performance and interest in classroom.] Poster presentation at the 3. Frankfurter Tagung zu Videoanalysen in der Unterrichts- und Bildungsforschung in Frankfurt (Main).